Gurur Brahma, Guru Vishnuh,
Tasmai Shri GuraveNamaha.

An archaic tradition, the Guru-ShishyaParampa has existed in India for centuries. “Guru-Shishyaparampara” is a Sanskrit phrase in which Shishya literally translates to ‘student of a guru’, while Parampara means ‘an uninterrupted succession’. The tradition creates a sacred bond between the teacher and the disciple. The disciple develops a sense of belongingness towards the teacher and worships the Guru as God. In olden times, the student would spend the entire duration of education at the abode of the Guru until he gained expertise in the art or skill he was learning.

In India, the teacher-disciple relationship has a great spiritual and religious significance. Ramayana, for instance, has mentions of the Gurukul system and of Lord Rama’s Guru Rishi Vishwamitra. On a similar note, scriptures about Dwapara Yuga talk about Lord Krishna’s Guru Rishi Sandipani.

Indian Classical music has always given a great importance the Guru-ShishyaParampara. In order to gain enlightenment in music, one must surrender themselves to their Gurus. The Guru is considered as the supreme power and the disciple shows eternal respect towards him.

For many centuries, MaukhikParampara or the ancient oral tradition was the only form of propagating Indian Classical Music. With no written curriculum for music education, the Guru’s knowledge was transferred the Shishya orally. The disciples thus acquired the musical knowledge and wisdom by following their Guru’s instructions thoroughly.

Although this tradition has now evolved to fit in with the modern education system, Indian Classical music still depicts this bond as ‘the one of eternal respect towards the Guru’ and many renowned artists of the world continue to keep their identity attached with their Gurus.

The Rampur Sahaswan Gharana is among the few very distinguished families of Indian Classical Music following this tradition strictly. There are hundreds of Shishyas belonging to this prestigious gharana, either through blood relations or through adoption of Shishyas into the gharana.

Sejal Ghayal - USA
Nitesh Singh
Davinder Pandit
Geeta Pathak
Junaid Hasan Khan
Neha Borkar - USA
Sahil Magar
Amit Mujal
Sudhanshu Shailendra
Tamiem Qadiry
Vaseem Ahmad
Zafar Mithavayani - USA
Zekria Raheem USA
Deeksha Mishra